Feb 18, 2009

Cabin fever with a fever

Does anyone want some kids? I'll give them away for a free trial period. In about a week, I'm going to require them back, but for now, I need to find someone who needs practice wiping noses and cleaning up puke. Oh, and administering food and medicine to less than willing participants.

We're going on two weeks now, with this stupid cold. Every time I think we're over it, someone starts hacking again. Zoe fevers up every night, but seems fine during the day. Finn cant sleep for all the phlegm in his throat and nose, and if I hear Brian whine about feeling like crap one more time, I swear I'm going to insist on a frontal lobotomy! (for him, obviously)

I'm feeling a little trapped in my house these days (more-so than usual). The mailman walks up to the house to drop my mail off, and finds me staring at him out the window like a caged animal. I plead with my eyes for him to open the door and let me out. But, the weather is lame, and where would I go anyway? I need SUMMER! Then at least I can drag the kids out to the back yard even if they are sick!

Its funny you know, I go through phases; some days I cant remember what we did with ourselves before we had kids, and other days I remember those days all too well! I say things like "Remember when we wanted to take a nap on a Sunday afternoon, and we'd just go lie down and go to sleep?" Or "Remember how we used to do "it" without stopping every five seconds because we thought we heard someone?" And "Remember when we could talk during dinner, and no one was yelling, singing, or crying over their food?" Yeah, those were the days. Of course, those were the same days that we were so wrapped up in ourselves that we'd pick fights with each other over stupid stuff that seemed to matter, and we frequently played with the cat for entertainment.

These precious little chickadees sure make you take stock of what really matters, and make you appreciate being able to do the stuff you could do before they came along - even if it didn't matter. The next time I'm able to have a meal with a normal, uninterrupted conversation you can bet I wont take it for granted! And, for now, I'll focus on appreciating the constant hum of the kiddies little voices, singing, laughing and whining - as the case may be.

Speak of the devil - I have to go now and- "Read book! Read book! Read book!"


Tiffany Robinson said...

ok I will tell you my secret. I don't have the energy. I Have a FABOULOUS HUSBAND!!! He actually made the dinner. He cleans, does dishes and bath the girls. I am getting off pretty easy...he helps alot. But I also am a pretty strict mom when it comes to the girls listening to us. When they don't listen I put them in the corner for as long as how old they are. I always follow through so they know I mean business.

Jen said...

ugh! It's so hard to have sick kids. I feel for ya sista. We just went through that a couple of weeks ago. Hang in there, you'll get out of the cage soon enough.

Ginger Christensen said...

I'm sorry dude! It really does suck having sick kids. It's so hard to have to sit home all day and have basically no outside interaction. I hope they get feeling better really soon so you won't feel so isolated anymore!!! (Plus so we can sit and chat again soon!!)