Feb 13, 2009

It's almost here, which means it's almost over

Valentines day. Ugh. I hate this holiday. It's a good idea, in theory, I guess; to do something extra special for that special someone on a special day. But we fail at it at our house. In the eleven Valentines Days that Brian and I have been together, I can count on one hand the number of times he's done something "Valentiney" on that day. And even less than that are the times he's done it without me telling him I expect him to. Now hold on, before you go thinking my husband is a heartless monster - you have to understand: I DON'T CARE. I truly don't. Not about the date, or teddy bear, or chocolates, flowers and jewelery. And he knows that I really couldn't care any less, so, he usually doesn't bother. But, the past few years there is something that gets me about not getting anything on such a "getting" holiday - the questions.

The day after Valentines Day is when everyone you see tends to size up and compare. Even my parents casually chide "What did Brian get you for Valentines Day?" And this right here is the part that kills me. Whether its to my parents or my friends - or even the checker at the grocery store - I hate that I have to answer "Nothing." And then try to defend his "unlovingness" in his absence. So, I have taken to threatening him a few days beforehand to at least bring home something. Even if he steals a plant from the office, or draws me a picture on a sheet of computer paper. I have to be able to say that he remembered the stupid holiday and did something in honor of it, so I don't break down under the pressure of comparison.

The poor guy. I know he loves me. He shows me every day. He does more dishes and laundry than any other husband I've heard of. He heaved himself out of bed in the middle of the night just last night, because I saw a spider on the ceiling. He killed the thing, and climbed back in bed, without even complaining that I woke him up just for that. He is my hero every single day. I get so upset that I have to explain to people that his normal doting heroic self is enough for me, every day of the year. Besides, if I were to get an extra special gift, I would want it to be because he thought of me because of something I'd done for him, not because the calender (or I) told him to. But, I did tell him to, so ask freely. I'll let you know what he did special for the day.

That said, I LOVE the school-kid aspect of Valentines day! The cookie decorating, heart cutting, secret notes in your desk kind of thing. I haven't really grown out of that. I am really excited to go be a parent helper in Zoe's class for their Valentine party this afternoon! She helped me make the cookies they will decorate, and she's been dancing around all excited that I get to come to her class with her. Which is good, because yesterday she told me I was the "meanest parent", and she wasn't going to play with me ever again. I asked if that was a threat or a promise. Unfortunately for me, it was neither.


Brian Curtis said...

I love you! Stinky

Ginger Christensen said...

Haha! Zoe cracks me up. How did it go helping out in their class? Kylee said you were Zoe's show-and-tell, how cute. I know how you feel. Dave doesn't do anything for me anymore either, not since high school. He does take me out to dinner, which is really nice, but I miss the surprise factor of getting flowers or a card. Same thing though, I think he doesn't do it because he knows I don't really care. But deep down inside, I think it would be nice for him to get me something. Yes, you are lucky that Brian helps you with dishes and laundry. Keep it up Brian!!

LazyMom said...

I hated Valentine's day while single, but as a mom. I love it. Helping The Beast make the Valentines for her class. Making Valentines for the husband. How ofter does one get a chance to use doilies after a certain age?

SeƱora H-B said...

I also hate Valentine's Day. However, I didn't realize that I would get bombarded with questions about what the hubs got me for V-Day until AFTER we decided to celebrate with Ghostbusters and marked-down steaks. Oh well. I love to disappoint the masses! :)

Jen said...

Yes, I too love the things that Jeff does everyday for me more than any gift. Isn't it great to have husbands who understand that when they load the dishewasher, changing diapers, fold laundry, etc. it is a MUCH bigger turn on to us than roses? Roses are great and I love getting them, but I am so much more in love with my husband when he reekes of spit up, rather than of cologne.