Feb 25, 2009

Shoot me now

and get it over with. When will this end? Last week, I thought Zoe was over her sickness; most of Thursday and all day Friday and Saturday she was a hundred percent better. Then, Sunday night she started screaming bloody murder that her ear hurt. Yup, took her in to the doctor on Monday, and she has a raging ear infection. Goody! The poor kid has missed almost two weeks of pre-school.

In the meantime, poor baby Finn just keeps getting worse, he sounds wheezy and coughs, and has a slight fever off and on. He's been in to the doctor every day this week, to listen to his lungs, and make sure they are staying clear. Oh, and he has two ear infections, and pukes up his antibiotic every single time. Poor kid. I thought maybe Liam was going to get skipped, but he started fevering up on Sunday as well - I may as well get him some antibiotic too, cuz his ear infections will be starting in a couple of days.

But that's not all, oh no, that is not all. This morning I woke up with pink eye! Yay! I thought I was a pretty good hand washer, but apparently I suck. Actually, I was thinking about it, and I went in for an eye exam on Thursday, got new glasses and all that jazz, so now I'm wondering if that optometrist is a freaking idiot. AAHRG!

I've been sanitizing the doorknobs and light switches almost every day since this thing started, and changing pillow cases and sheets so often that my mound of laundry is quite literally a mountain of laundry. I am on a first-name basis with the folks at Walgreen's (yesterday the pharmacist's assistant said "back again, already?" yeah...) Frickin ridiculous. I need to be put out of my misery.

In other news, we are having a little bit of neighborhood drama around here. Old man Roy is trying to eliminate all neighborhood cats. Stupid old man. Saturday, I while was enjoying Brians mad waffle making skills, gazing out the window, I saw an animal control police truck pull up across the street. I told Brian maybe Roy has a raccoon or something, so we watched for the officer to come back out. He walked around to the front of the house with a yowling Leo-kitty in a live trap. Yes, our cat. Granted, this pampered feline thinks he owns the whole neighborhood, but seriously? You'd send your neighbors cat to the pound? Zoe was freaking no, FREAKING out. Brian went over to rescue her cat, and she was going on and on. I told her to just calm down, and she says "Mom, I can't calm down, I just found out that Leo is NOT okay. I just got done paying thirty bucks for him!" Thirty bucks? Where does she get this stuff?

Anyway, I went out and talked to the cop with Brian, and the other neighbors (who live next to old Roy, and came out to investigate when they heard Leo's distinctive yowl). Seems the problem is that some animal is leaving poops on Roy's lawn. Except that cats normally dig, and like to poop in gardens and flower beds, AND there is a nasty yappy spaniel and a poodle who live a couple of houses down that poop on each yard as they walk down the street. But whatever, if Roy says its the cats, it must be- right? The cop says to him, "There are a lot of animals in these kinds of neighborhoods, you aren't going to be able to control this." We got our cat back, and Kallie and Sean (who live next-door to Roy) tried with me to explain to Roy that it should be a dog he is after, and besides, if you put a can of tuna in a cage out in your yard, you're going to attract every cat in the neighborhood, whether they'd normally go in your yard or not! (Idiot!)

So, eight hours go by, and Kallie knocks on my door wondering if we've seen their cat, Willie. Nope, not since this morning when I pointed him out to Roy as an example of one of the ten or fifteen other cats he needed to catch. Their cat was totally missing. Sean went over and knocked on Roys door and asked him if he'd caught another one. Roy said the traps hadn't been re-set yet. They didn't fully believe him so, they figured they'd wait till Monday and check the animal shelter. They did, and didn't see Willie there, so they were eyeballing a big orange persian for adoption, and decided on Tuesday to go back and get him. And thats when they noticed Willie actually was at the shelter. Kallie got a look at the paper work. Turns out someone with Roy's same address turned the cat over to the shelter at five o'clock Saturday night! So, poor Sean and Kallie had to pay 70 dollars to get their cat back! AND discovered too late that not only is their neighbor old and crotchety, but he's also a heartless Asshole. And a liar. Not sure which is worse.

We were thinking about it, and yes, it would suck to be the only homeowner in a whole entire neighborhood who didn't own some kind of pet. And he is that guy. His is literally the ONLY pet-free house for about a 3 block radius. But wouldn't it be much more neighborly (and more effective) to just inform your neighbors that you'll be trapping whatever is crapping on your lawn, and give them a chance to attempt to control their animals? Or you know, move or something? Oh well, on the bright side, he couldn't live much more than a few more years. He's got to be in his eighties. And then, he'll rot in hell.


Jen said...

Oh Rachelle, I am sooo sorry about all the illness you are having to endure. That is absolutely horrible. I really hope everyone gets better soon.

As for Mr. A-hole neighbor, since he has such a well fertilized lawn, is it too late to put down some nice winter wheat seed in the middle of the night? (heehee)

Ginger Christensen said...

Wow... I'm so sorry you're going through all of this!! I can't believe how sick all of you have been! I hope so much that the pink eye clears up quickly, and that your kiddos start feeling better REALLY soon! Hopefully Finn will start showing signs of improvement over the next couple of days. How sad and scary too!

I can't believe your neighbor is such a freakin jerk! I would be sooo ticked! Like everyone in the neighborhood has money to get their cat or dog out of the pound everytime the idiot decides to have them sent there!