What's your husband's name? Brian Mart Curtis
How long have you guys been married? 9years
How long did you date? 1 year.
How old is he? 28
Who eats more sweets? I do - by far, and it shows!
Who said I Love You first? He did. And my response was "Are you sure?"
Who is taller? Brian, by about 3 inches
Who is the better singer? Probably me, being trained and all, he's not tone-deaf or anything though, he just wasnt brought up in a singing type household.
Who is smarter? Brian, but I'm a close enough second to hold my own in an interesting debate.
Who does the laundry? Mostly me, but he helps out when I get behind.
Who pays the bills? I do.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? We switch off all the time. Why do couples have a certain side of the bed? So weird.
Who mows the lawn? Brian.
Who cooks dinner? Usually me. Unless I want waffles, then he makes them.
Who drives? Brian, he's so critical of my driving, I'd rather he drive than have hear about it the whole way.
Who is the first to say they are wrong? I am, almost always. Then, I immediately make him admit he was wrong too, so we can get on with our lives. For the record though, our fights are almost never rational enough for either of us to be right.
Who kissed who first? Brian kissed me, after I MADE him hold my hand, I guess that was the icebreaker he needed - haha.
Who asked who out first? Technically he asked me out first, but if I hadnt started bugging him and showing up to have him come hang out with us, that never would have happened.
Who wears the pants? Well, we let him wear the pants, with the understanding that I always get my way. - LOL works out nicely for everyone.
Hahahaha! I'm glad you did these tags! GOOD LUCK by the way! Yay, you're going to have your baby! I'm SO excited for you guys!!!! I hope everything goes well. It is SO exciting to know you get to meet your new little baby boy sometime tomorrow! AWESOME!!!!
Hello my "new blogging buddy/surrogate sister-in-law." Fun to read your tag. I was tagged, but I said "1-2-3 not it!" I am a wuss.
Good luck and happy baby day to you!!! I look forward to seeing his pictures on your blog. Take care :o)
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