5 Things I was doing 10 Years Ago...(October 1998)
1. Brian and I had been dating for about 4 months. We got completely lost in a corn maze - they had to send the owners in after us!
2. I was working at Kmart AND Taco Time. It was pretty bad, I would take NyQuil when I got home from Taco Time, so I could fall asleep fast - and wake up at 5 am. Then I'd guzzle caffeine all morning at Kmart, walk straight over to Taco Time as soon as I got off, stay there till 11 pm or so, go home and drink NyQuil! (needless to say, that didn't last long - that was nuts, why was I doing that?)
3. I was living with aunt Tella, cuz my mom said I was too difficult (not sure why, since I was at work all the time)
4. Spending money, yeah, I did that too- I've always been bad with money - where does it all go?
5. I spent pretty much every second of my free time with Brian at that point.
5 Things I Need To Do Today...
1. Finish this post.
2. Make something for dinner.
3. Finish packing my hospital bag (yay!)
4. Watch Iron Man with Brian
5. Finish up the laundry and change my sheets.
5 Snacks I Enjoy...
1. Wheat Thins
2. Penny Candies
3. Cold Cereal (or snacks made out of cereal, like muddy buddies, or rice krispie treats - YUM!)
4. Cheese (I LOVE Havarti lately - put it on a slice of pink lady apple, and OH, HEAVEN!)
5. Carrots out of my garden are topping the list the last couple weeks!
5 Things I Would Do If I Were A Millionaire...
1. Pay off all of our debt.
2. Use the remainder to set up savings plans for retirement and my kids college funds.
3. Live on cash -only what we make working
4. Teach my kids to always pay cash
5. Pray the economy somewhat recovers so my million dollar savings plans don't go "POOF!"
5 Places I Have Lived...
1. Springville, Utah
2. Milpitis, California
3. Spanish Fork, Utah
4. Springville, Utah
5. Leland, Utah - then, Payson, Spanish, and back to Springville - haha!
5 Jobs I Have Had... OH GEEZ
1. Cleaning offices at National Fuel and Energy
2. Babysitting - I did a LOT of babysitting
3. McDonald's - man, I am a pretty stereotypical high-school dropout!
4. Kmart and Taco Time- as mentioned
5. Arbys - this one was a record 3 years! I must have liked smelling like a curly fry
5 People I Tag...
I'm not sure I know 5 people who blog!
Rules: Each player answers the questions themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment letting them know they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let them know when you've answered the questions on your blog.
Congratulations!! A new baby! it must feel so good to finally have him here.
So, it looks like you've had this baby! (Yes, I'm blog stalking you cuz!)I'll be checking back for details! Can't wait to see pics!
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