Oct 27, 2008

Yes, I had him. No, we didnt (quite) fall off the planet

Okay, so.  Finnian Clark Curtis was born Oct 10th at 8:45 pm (for those of you who didnt already know). He was 9 pounds and 19 and 1/2 inches long. Except at his two week checkup we discovered that either hospital nurses cant measure, or babies grow about an inch a week, because he was 21 and 1/2 inches by then! I'm thinking they cant measure cuz he really didnt seem two whole inches longer to me. Since I have a tendancy to give way too much information, we will just say that labor was induced, threatened to not work- but eventually did, and I had to push longer and harder with this one than I did with the other two kids combined. But compared to some stories I've heard, I still had it easy!  It was a really long day.
We were pretty spoiled those first couple of weeks, we had a ton of people bring us meals, and Katie and my Mom took the "big kids" off my hands a couple of times in the afternoons - so other than trying to teach Finn to nurse, it was really pretty relaxing for me. Brian took a few days off work to help us all adjust, and now that everything is getting back to "normal" I miss having him home all day!  I've totally been hiding out these past weeks,  Zoe and Liam just love baby Finn, and like to help out any way that I'll let them. Sometimes it would be nice if they could understand that they can help the most by just staying out of the way, but no such luck. So, I have resorted to putting the baby gate up in my bedroom doorway, to seperate them from the baby, for his safety, and my sanity. It's a lot quieter around here since I started doing that, no more "mean mom" yelling at the kids to "GET OUT OF HIS FACE!". I promise they do get to hold him all they want - just not when he's trying to eat for crying out loud! Anyway, I'll see if I can remember how to post pictures, so everyone can see the little guy!


Ginger Christensen said...

He's such a cutie! I love the pics!

Jen said...

Congratulations! He is adorable!!! I love the black and white photo of him. Glad to hear that things are going well.

Tiffany Robinson said...

WAY TO GO!! I love the cute pics. He looks like a big healthy boy.