I am the most spoiled wife and mother on this planet. Brian makes sure of that. He came home from work today, and since the part finally got here- made another (albeit failed) attempt at fixing the downstairs refrigerator. Then, he made pizza and bread sticks for dinner (he has a couple of recipes that only he can make - you know, because it just isn't the same when someone else does it - lol). And, like he does almost every night, rocked Liam and got him in his bed. Liam had other ideas though, and for the past two hours Brian has been snoring on the floor next to the toddler bed, while Liam, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed reads to himself. It gets better- he is getting the books by leaning his hand on Brians forehead and streeetching out to reach the bookshelf, which is just barely too far away to actually reach without getting out of his bed. Poor Brian!
Liam is too funny lately. He has started throwing some major temper tantrums, the kind where he yells gibberish at us, and stomps off. We try to be irritated with him about it but he looks so hilariously cute while he's doing it, its more than we can do just to hold the giggles in. The other day Brian realized what it is he is saying when he's mad: "BOY!" OH my goodness! I had tears, I was laughing so hard! Just like we say to him! "BOY! Sit down, you're going to fall!" or, "BOY! Do not hit your sister!" So, when we do something to tick him off, such as mess up his perfect row of cars, or tell him that no, he cant have cottage cheese instead of his normal meal for the third time today, he yells BOY - cuz that's what ya say to someone who has made you mad - right?
Poor Zoe and the window. She has cheerfully put up with her punishment. Mostly. The first day she was really sad that she couldn't have "rock-a-rock and a Simpsons" (Brian's nightly bedtime routine with the kids)and Liam still got to, but when she asked me why, I took her over to the window and gently explained that because she was doing something she knew she shouldn't we had to take away a privilege that she likes, for a while. After that, she was really pretty good about it. So tomorrow she can watch her movies again. She usually just watches a movie while Liam takes his nap, and an episode of the Simpsons while Brian rocks them before bed, so its been a lot harder on me than it has been on her. I'm used to having an hour or so to myself while Liam naps and she watches her movie, but without her movie, I have to come up with something for her to do while her playmate recharges his batteries. So tonight at bedtime, I told her that she'll get her movie privileges back tomorrow, and she can rock-a-rock with daddy again. I gave her a teeny tiny lecture about making right choices (because lecturing is what I do), and she said "You are my bestest Mom, I pinky promise to be the bestest daughter." I nearly cried. I'm thinking maybe I'll release her (me) from her ban on friends early - mostly because I miss hanging out with Ginger. Man, I'm a wuss, cant go a week without a buddy. She'll never know it hasn't been two weeks, right? She has very little concept of days and weeks... NO! I should really just be consistent, and do what I said I would do. We'll see, I guess. I really do have the sweetest kids! :)
Oh, I hear ya. Consequences for our kids are much harder on us than them. I too have found my self commuting a sentence or two just so I could have MY privileges back.
Sound like your kids have a great dad there. You will have to share his recipe - even though of course we could not come close to replicating it. ;o)
Your blog is fun to read - thanks for the entertainment and parental validations!
Isn't it nice when our husbands are helpful! I agree, when are children are grounded from people or things, it totally is harder on us at times than it is on them. I'm glad we got to hang out today! Thanks again for inviting me along!
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