Jun 30, 2008

OK, minor problem! And other fun stuff!

So I finally got the report from the OB who "read" my ultrasound, and he wrote that the gender of the baby appeared to him to be FEMALE! Odd, since the picture I have pretty clearly shows boy parts - but I guess there could be a piece of cord in the way or something. So, it looks like we are getting a surprise! We hadn't talked much about girl names before now, so I thought it would be fun to have another poll and give everyone a vote, now that we've narrowed it down to a few options. On the Boy name, by the way, I think we are pretty certain we will use Finn. It ended up being one of the more popular names in our little poll (which surprised me), and Zoe has liked it best since the first time she heard it. She even calls the baby "baby Finn" - which could be a problem if it comes out without boy-parts!! LOL. I'm still thinking its a boy, and that OB is off his rocker - just based on the fact that my pregnancy this time has been much more like my pregnancy with Liam than how it was with Zoe, but who knows? So, vote on a girl name if you want, and at least we wont be totally unprepared! 
Also, we went last week up to this big ranch for the Montague Family Reunion, which ended up being surprisingly relaxing and laid back! It was a lot of fun, we paddled around in the little canoe, played horseshoes, rode 4-wheelers (well,  :( everyone else did) ate, and ate and visited and laughed. Fun times. It was good to see the cousins I haven't seen in a million years. I'm so ticked at myself though, on the way home it occurred to me, that I never once pulled out my camera! I guess I was too busy having fun to remember that I would want to remember this when I'm old!! I'm going to see if  one of the Whartons can donate some pictures to my cause, but until then, you'll just have to visualize it in your head!


Ginger Christensen said...

Wow, crazy! It totally looks like it could be a boy from the picture of your ultrasound. You never know though. Katie got told with both of her kids that she was having a boy, and they both turned out to be girls! What a surprise!

Ginger Christensen said...

K, it's not letting me vote for a name for some reason. I vote for Avani. That's such a pretty name! I've never heard it before... but I really like Gwen too.

tawn said...

Fun Surprise - we could all use another Zoeo! :) I'll see what I can do about pictures - it may take a while though - I am related to my mother who still struggles with the camera lens. HA!